Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can the same person enjoy Teen Dream and Teenage Dream?

be your teenage dream tonight
I've renamed the playlist a few times now.  It's currently listed as "Super Sweet Sixteen Dance Party Mixtape."  The latest song I added is embedded below, a version that can be downloaded if you so choose.  In the last 48 hours I've been sheepishly reaching out to people that have always been champions of bubblegum pop and the like.  In every case the people have been really happy to hear that I'm deconstructing my high horse of music tastes.  It started with a bang of dynamite, and got rolling when I got a hold of Rihanna's latest effort.

Tonight was the real tipping point after two others loaned me Far East Movement and Katy Perry.  The Teenage Dream album was a very difficult guilty pill for me to swallow.  One of my favorite albums from 2010 was Beach House's Teen Dream, which as you can imagine spawned a litany of poorly set up jokes at Mrs. Brand's expense.  Thankfully, I've learned something very  healthy in the process: letting go of hate is a wonderful experience.  Who knows how long I can suppress my sarcastic and cynical leanings, but I'm done wasting effort explaining why I don't like the Black Eyed Peas and Lady Gaga... (especially when I see my friends' two daughters rock out to "Boom Boom Pow" or another friend's daughter singing "Telephone").
Infinite Dream - The White Panda by Suburban17

On another note, I'm happy that I can show a Perry thumb nail for a post on the heels of the Bieber Plea.  Between people clicking there and here, I'm hoping I'm covering all the bases to get people to eventually read the most sincere post I've ever written.