I wasn't the only one at the 9th Annual Lebowski Fest in Louisville, Kentucky.
Nightline correspondent Jeremy Hubbard was there with a camera crew.
Four months plus later, the piece was finally aired last Friday night.
The segment is an excellent, brief, explanation of Lebowski Fest. (Please go watch it)
You might still be confused as to why people like me love that movie to this extent, but at least you'll know a little more about our party.
I was in the background twice. Both more unspectacular than the next (my camera is completely covering my face in one - however the picture was worth it!)
I'm wearing a green shirt and a large straw hat ("Obviously, you're not a golfer") located just under the armpit of eventual Best Costume Winners, "Stranger in the Alps"
To understand both of those references requires an insane amount of knowledge of The Big Lebowski.
The piece ended on our bowling lane. I was throwing rocks with a great trio from Cincinnati which included the eventual winner of the "Best Walter" costume award. You can see me setting up for a superior camera angle.
I was more than ecstatic to sacrifice a chance for vanity to get the picture and capture a great moment for Bob.
I got both a Before and After!