Saturday, November 25, 2006

Posting To Motivate

In January I made the New Year's resolution to finish 12 books in 12 months:
1. Positively Fifth Street
2. The DaVinci Code
The Tipping Point (quit)
3. Smashed
4. Attention. Deficit. Disorder.
5. A Clockwork Orange
6. Death by Strip Mall
7. The Ice Storm
8. Bringing Down the House
Catch 22 (quit)
9. Last Exit To Brooklyn
10. Kick Me: Tales of Adolescence
11. Superstud: Or How I Became a 24 Year Old Virgin
Middlesex (in progress)

I'm 500 pages away from completing my goal (with Middlesex). With just a little over a month left, it's well within reach. However, certain enemies like Digital Cable and John Madden are tough foes.

Next year's (working) reading goal:
Re-read books that I enjoyed the first time around. Will a more mature TQ find more depth?